Welcome to the land of satellites and disorder

Because even beings of isolation need company.

Hello, my names Keir, welcome to my goofy little internet space.

Before we begin, let's establish a mutual understanding that I have no idea what I'm doing.

In fact as I'm typing out this code, I am continually confusing the command for line breaks and paragraph breaks.

I have to keep googling certain words so I can confirm I'm not making myself look like a total idiot.

Holy shit I just did it again with "confirm"

Anyway, what I'm saying is, I wanna explicitly state here that I am in fact, stupid.

So if you expect more than some silly pictures, funky colours, weird links to information about satallites, and some of my creative works half-hazardly slapped into the messy threads of this website's fabric, let me just say:

You are sorrowfully mistaken.

I'm a mess. This website will absolutely reflect that.

I do not have time nor energy to waste on appearing put together.

(That's a lie. I actually just couldn't be bothered to give a shit.)

We're all on the same page?
